Come see Tech4Dem Innovations (and #fails)

By NDI Tech | January 30, 2013

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Social Media Week, Washington DC

NDI is excited to host a series of events during Social Media Week DC

  • Tuesday, Feb. 19 from 4 pm - 5:30 pm: Women, Tech and Democracy - The Next Frontier

Tech plays a crucial role in this work but women are lag behind in access, use, and ability to afford to communicate online and via mobile devices. A panel of high-powered women will explore what we know about how women participate online, what we know about the effective use of tech in women’s political participation, and where we are still falling short.

While this event is full, we will be streaming the event online (stay tuned for updates) and you can follow the hashtag #smwwomentech4dem

  • Wednesday, Feb. 20 from 5 pm - 7:30 pm: When Good Projects Fail: The Tech4Democracy FailFaire

All of us in the tech and democracy have seen our share of failures – projects that aimed to use tech to advance democracy but did not work as intended.  We have invited colleagues and friends form the field to present failures in tech4dem to present at the Tech4Dem Failfaire. FailFaires are entertaining, interactive events that feature #fails in using tech for social change. The Failfaire will feature a lightening round of talks on amazing failures and the learnings they generated.

You can sign up to attend here. Want to present your tech4dem fail? Apply here

  • Thursday, Feb. 21 from 11 am to 1 pm: The Tech4Democracy Science Fair

Join us for a showcase of #tech4dem tools and projects the world over. Handling issues from data for elections in Ghana to reporting on abuses in Nicaragua, come to a Science Fair of amazing projects using tech in innovative ways to support democratic movements and activists worldwide.

You can sign up to attend here. We still have a few spaces open for showcasing projects, sign up here!
